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Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Sphex figulus Linnaeus, 1758 - As Trypoxylon figulus figulus: - ?, ? . ?. :. (distribution); Beaumont, 1964Beaumont, J. de 1964. Hymenoptera: Sphecidae. Lausanne. 1-174.:84 (distribution); Dollfuss, 1991Dollfuss, H. 1991. Bestimmungsschlüssel der Grabwespen Nord- und Zentraleuropas (Hymenoptera Sphecidae) mit speziellen Angaben zur Grabwespenfauna Österreichs. Stapfia 24:1-274.:122 (distribution); Negrisolo, 1995Negrisolo, E. 1995. Hymenoptera Sphecidae. In: Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Posta S. (Ed.). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. 1-12.:10 (distribution); Blösch, 2000Blösch, M. 2000. Die Grabwespen Deutschlands. Goecke & Evers, Keltern. 1-480.:252 (distribution); Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 (distribution, listed), 434 (prey/host [Araneidae: Araneus sp., A. diadematus Clerck, A. marmoreus Clerck, A. reamuri Scop., Araniella sp., Larinioides cornutus (Clerck), Mangora acalypha Walckenaer, Metellina segmentata (Clerck), Neoscona adianta (Walckenaer), Singa sp., S. hamata (Clerck), S. nitidula C.L.Koch, Zilla sp.*, Dictyna arundinacea (L.)* - Linyphiidae: Agyneta rurestris (C.L.Koch)*, Bathyphanthes sp.*, Entelecara erythropus (Westring)*, Kaestneria dorsalis (Wider)*, Linyphia triangularis (Clerck), Neriene montana(Clerck), N. radiata (Walkenaer)*. - Salticidae: Salticus scenicus (Clerck)*, Synageles venator (Lucas)*. - Tetragnathidae: Tetragnatha sp.*. - Theridiidae: Achaearanea simulans (Thorell)*, A. epidariorum (C.L.Koch)*, Enoplognatha ovata (Clerck), Theridion bimaculatum (L.)*, T. pictum (Walckenaer)*, T. simile (C.L.Koch)*, T. sisyphium (Clerck), T. tinctum (Walckenaer)*, T. varians Hahn. - Thomisidae: Xysticus sp]), 435 (prey/host [Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Elampus panzeri (F.), Pseudomalus auratus (L.), P. pusillus (F.), Chrysis fasciata Oliv., Ch. Fulgida L., Ch. Ignita (L.), Ch. Obtusidens Duf. Et Perris, Ch. Splendidula Rossi, Trichrysis cyanea (L.). - Eulophidae: Melittobia acasta (Walckenaer); Eurytomidae: Eurytoma rubicola Gir., E. verticulata F., E. medularia Goh. - Gasteruptionidae: Gasteruption assectator L., G. jaculator L.*, G. opacum Tourn.* - Ichneumonidae (Gelinae): Aritranis heliophilus Tsch., Ichneumon (?) adiferator Duf. & Perris, Mastrus armatus Grav., Nematopodius formosus Grav. - Ichneumonidae (Ichneumoninae): Stenodontus marginellus Grav. - Ichneumonidae (Pimplinae): Perithous divinator Rossi, P. mediator F., Poemenia notata Homgr., Polysphincta sp.*, Townesia tenuiventris Holmgr. - Torymidae: Monodontomerus viciellae Förster*. - Diptera: Anthomyidae: Eustalomyia halaris Fall. - Miltogrammatidae: Amobia signata Mg., Miltogramma punctatum Mg. - Sacrophagidae: Metopia argyrocephala Mg. - Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatoma undata L.]); Ljubomirov & Yildirim, 2008Ljubomirov, T. & E. Yildirim 2008. . Sofia. 1-316. (distribution).
Sphex fuliginosa Scopoli, 1763 - Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 ( listed as synonym of Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)).
Trypoxylon albitarse Belke, 1866 - Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 ( listed as synonym of Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)); Vanoye-Eligio et al., 2019Vanoye-Eligio, M., V. Meléndez-Ramírez, R. Ayala-Barajas, H. Delfín-González & J.V. Horta-Vega 2019. Diversidad de avispas depredadoras en dos tipos de vegetación del estado de Yucatán en México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 90:1-11. (distribution); Nava-Bolaños & Osorio-Olvera, 2022Nava-Bolaños, A. & L. Osorio-Olvera 2022. Estado del arte del conocimiento de biodiversidad de los polinizadores de México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 93:1-77. (distribution).
Trypoxylon figulus major Kohl, 1883 - Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 ( listed as synonym of Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)).
Trypoxylon apicalis Fox, 1891:142, ♀.Canada, and at Berverly, Mass.. - Fox, 1891Fox, W.J. 1891. On the species of Trypoxylon inhabiting America north of Mexico. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 18 (2):136-148. (distribution); Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 ( listed as synonym of Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)).
Trypoxylon figulus barbarum Beaumont, 1957 - Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 ( listed as synonym of Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)).
Trypoxylon fieuzeti Giner Mari, 1959 - Bitsch et al., 2001Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.:373 ( listed as synonym of Trypoxylon figulus figulus (Linnaeus, 1758)).


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Area distribution map

map of Trypoxylon figulus  figulus   (Linnaeus, 1758)


(Fox, 1891 [as Trypoxylon apicalis Fox, 1891])
(?, )
(?, )
(?, )
(Nava-Bolaños & Osorio-Olvera, 2022 [as Trypoxylon albitarse Belke, 1866])
MEX-YucMexico - Yucatán
(Vanoye-Eligio et al., 2019 [as Trypoxylon albitarse Belke, 1866])
(Ljubomirov & Yildirim, 2008)
USA-MAUnited States - Massachusetts
(Fox, 1891 [as Trypoxylon apicalis Fox, 1891])


  • ? . ?. :.
  • Beaumont, J. de 1964. Hymenoptera: Sphecidae. Lausanne. 1-174.
  • Bitsch J., H. Dollfuss, Z. Boucek, K. Schmidt, C. Schmid-Egger, S.F. Gayubo, A.V. Antropov & Y. Barbier 2001. Hyménoptères Sphecidae d´Europe occidentale. Vol. 3. 1-459.
  • Blösch, M. 2000. Die Grabwespen Deutschlands. Goecke & Evers, Keltern. 1-480.
  • Dollfuss, H. 1991. Bestimmungsschlüssel der Grabwespen Nord- und Zentraleuropas (Hymenoptera Sphecidae) mit speziellen Angaben zur Grabwespenfauna Österreichs. Stapfia 24:1-274.
  • Fox, W.J. 1891. On the species of Trypoxylon inhabiting America north of Mexico. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 18 (2):136-148.
  • Ljubomirov, T. & E. Yildirim 2008. . Sofia. 1-316.
  • Nava-Bolaños, A. & L. Osorio-Olvera 2022. Estado del arte del conocimiento de biodiversidad de los polinizadores de México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 93:1-77.
  • Negrisolo, E. 1995. Hymenoptera Sphecidae. In: Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Posta S. (Ed.). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. 1-12.
  • Schmid-Egger, C., S. Risch & O. Niehuis 1995. Die Wildbienen und Wespen in Rheinland-Pfalz (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Verbreitung, Ökologie und Gefährdungssituation. Fauna Flora Rheinland-Pfalz Beiheft 16:1-296.
  • Vanoye-Eligio, M., V. Meléndez-Ramírez, R. Ayala-Barajas, H. Delfín-González & J.V. Horta-Vega 2019. Diversidad de avispas depredadoras en dos tipos de vegetación del estado de Yucatán en México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 90:1-11.